Maryam Namazie On Islam Demanding Film Censorship

We never will 


I have just posted a statement by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain in support of Tom Holland’s documentary “Islam: The Untold Story”.

Channel 4 has just cancelled a repeat screening due to threats.

Here’s my question to Channel 4: what about the threats on our lives for being apostates, ex-Muslims, atheists, freethinkers, secularists, 21st century human beings?

What part of our thoughts, lives, bodies do you recommend we cancel to appease the Islamists?

If only there was such an  ’easy’ ‘solution’ for those who are languishing under Islam’s rules – like Afghan actors facing death threats or  the 16 year old girl waiting to be flogged in the Maldives?
You may accept censorship and cowardly silence in the face of Islamist threats and intimidation but we cannot afford to do so.

And we never will.

View the documentary here.


We must be able to scrutinise Islam

12th September 2012

The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain would like to make public our support for Tom Holland’s Channel 4 documentary ‘Islam: The Untold Story’. We are indignant to learn that due to threats made on Holland, Channel 4 has cancelled a repeat screening of the historical inquiry into the origins of Islam similar to the kind of inquiry that has been applied to other religions and histories in Britain for many years.

The threats and concerted attempt to stigmatise the documentary and its producers by attacking its credibility and even legitimacy as a field of inquiry is nothing less than an attempt to impose a blasphemy taboo by stealth and coercion against programming that scrutinises Islam.

Caving in to the coercive pressure of Islamists will have catastrophic effects on free inquiry and expression where it pertains to Islam. It would not only further silence academic, historical and theological scrutiny of Islam but would also have the chilling effect of exerting added pressure on Muslims and ex-Muslims who wish to dissent from and question Islam.

The CEMB urges Channel 4 to reconsider its decision and urges the public to view the documentary and write to Channel 4 calling for a repeat screening.

The other film: The Innocence of Muslims

13th September 2012

Another film that has hit the headlines – ‘The innocence of Muslims’ – merits comment particularly since it has sparked protests that have resulted in the death of several US officials in Libya. Have you seen the film? It is absolutely ludicrous.

It’s low budget (though they say they spent $5 million on it), poorly edited, badly acted – I mean just really, really bad. It’s almost impossible to get through the trailer let alone the movie itself.

It’s even worse (if that’s an option) than Geert Wilders’ film, Fitna, which we did a remake on.

Clearly the incompetence of the far-Right is even more astounding than its racism… Here’s the trailer if you haven’t seen it:

What I find most ironic out of all of this is how the producers of the film and their supporters – like the crackpot pastor Terry Jones of Stand Up America! – don’t see how they are one and the same with the Islamists.

Like the Islamists, everyone is guilty. No one is innocent, which explains the very pathetic title of their film.

By the way, did you hear that the pastor is holding a trial for Mohammad who will face execution if found guilty? Does he not realise Mohammad isn’t even a real live person? And I also love the whole Christian love (we’re better than Islam) bit that ends with a public execution.

Like I said, two sides of the same coin.


  1. Maryam

    I could'nt agree more with your sentiments on this whole issue of film censorship.
    Why however, do the same western media refuse to scrutinise judaism in the same balanced way, perhaps examining its holiest set of jewish guiding principles enshrined in the Talmud.
    Some examples:

    All gentile children are animals. [Yebamoth 98a]
    Gentile girls are in a state of niddah [filth] from birth. [Abodah Zarah 36b]
    Jews may use lies to circumvent a gentile. [Baba Kamma 113a]
    On the virgin Mary, 'she who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters'.[Sanhedrin 106a]
    On Christ, jesus is in hell being boiled in 'hot excrement'[Gittin 57a]
    On sex with children, 'a jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is nine years old'[Sanhedrin 54b]
    We might also be educated on the very common everyday practice of 'Metzitzah b'peh' where the mohel [rabbi] puts the freshly circumcised penis of an infant boy into his mouth and sucks it until the blood stops flowing from the wound. This is very common in US, Canada, Britain Europe and much more so in Israel. Despite the spread of diseases [syphllis and many recent cases of herpes in New York causing death]this is still the only major religion that encourages 'fellatio' with children. This is a commandment of the Talmud [Shabbat 133b]
    We might also be enlightened with the 'Kol Nidre' prayer, a vow taken at Yum Kappoor which dissavows all other promises made that year. In other words, all vows, oaths, obligations and promises from this day shall be void.

    These are a very few examples of how we have all been subject to censorship by disinformation and discreet silence, engineered by a jewish controlled mainstream media,that seeks to undermine and castigate the believers of Islam and Christianity yet forbids a balanced scrutiny of Judeasm.
    Perhaps we might see Channel 4 commission a series based on Shlomo Sands' formidable book 'The Invention of the Jewish People'. Somehow, I would'nt hold my breath waiting, despite the fact that it was first published in Hebrew and was an international bestseller. Now what does that tell you?

  2. I understand the concerns about censorship and state sponsored censorship and the concerns of ‘freedom of speech’ but we don’t live in a truly ‘freedom of speech’ society nor do I ever recall a society, both modern and ancient, where that notion persisted or do I envisage a society of that notion ever existing – except on this website although within the confines of libel law! To compound the issue is the current myopic and whimsical foreign policy of the West towards Islamic dominated states which does not create an environment where work produced on the subject of Islam, academically researched or as here say rubbish, is allowed to be produced unhindered by the burden of threats of death and injury. That environment doesn’t actually exist and so currently, the tendency to produce work that questions the tenets of Islam provokes a violent backlash from the Islamic world which is greatly influenced and driven by extremism, due to their perception of it being an attack on Islam or to be more precise as part of an on-going Western Crusade against it.

    Thus examining the recent decisions to ‘censor’ academically and scientifically researched work ( I’m not even going to bother to include the racial and sectarian rubbish released in the USA in my comment) for fear of retribution against the author is a sensible decision to take and should not be perceived as censorship in its true meaning. What needs to be questioned is why Channel4 thought that the current global political circumstances was a good environment to produce such thought provoking work and not realise that the work would encounter a serious backlash that would culminate in possible injury. Also, coupled with their timing of the release of this work could have been a lot better and does lend credence to a deliberate attempt to create shock publicity.

    I’m not advocating censorship but sometimes the timing of publication is the issue and not the content.

  3. You have made some interesting points, truthrevisionist, many of them similar to ones made earlier by SMH.That book certainly looks like it might be worth a read.

    I wonder would any of the Pussy Riot supporters consider taking part in a protest in a Mosque or a Synagogue?

    Could be interesting. If any of you do, I will join the campaign to free you.

  4. John McGirr,

    Just a quick point to make. Shlomo Sands' book does not address any of the above issues that I have tried to explain. As a jewish academic working in Israel,I imagine treading on this territory, would be tantamount to treason for him. His book is essentially a historical synopsis that exposes the fallacy of the jewish state of Israel. Well worth a read.

  5. truthrevisionist,

    Thanks for the clarification about that book. It certainly looks as if it could be interesting.

  6. John McGirr

    'Could be interesting. If any of you do, I will join the campaign to free you'

    More likely a campaign to 'exhume' them haha

  7. Larry,

    'More likely a campaign to 'exhume' them haha'

    I just hope the right heads get re-attached to their respective bodies! But, sure, if they have their balaclavas on it might not matter.
