To Whom It May Concern,
As you will be well aware through your attendance of these Interagency Meetings, they are an attempt to normalise the role of the PSNI within this community and portray this unionist militia as an impartial, non political police service that has the best interests of the Ardoyne community, and the nationalist community in general, at heart.
It is notable that the PSNI official title is “The Police Service of Northern Ireland, incorporating the Royal Ulster Constabulary”. Recent events have exposed PSNI impartiality as pure nonsense, something that Republicans in this area have been saying for the last number of years, that the PSNI are no different to their forerunners in the RUC and RIC before them. These include:
- The Internment of local Republicans Alan Lundy, Ta McWilliams and Deekal Gorman on absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
- The continued facilitation of unwanted sectarian Loyal Order Parades through Republican areas.
- The facilitated attacks on the GARC march of 12th July by loyalist paramilitaries, without any arrests being made.
- The attempted murder of ex-Blanketman Ginger McCoubrey on the Black Mountain by loyalist paramiltaries who identified themselves on social media sites brandishing their weapons, yet still no arrests.
- Continued use of draconian Stop and Search legislation to harass members of the Republican Community and their families.
- House raids on family members of Republicans, resulting in the PSNI leaving loaded weapons in the bedrooms of children.
- Passing of Republicans’ details to loyalist paramilitaries, and threats to have local Republicans assassinated.
- The continued use of lethal Plastic Bullets against members of the nationalist community, and the lack of use against loyalists, further highlighting the one sidedness of policing in the Six Counties. Their use against anyone should be banned.
- Lack of arrests of those involved in loyalist rioting and illegal blockades in Rathcoole, Ballyclare, Shore Road, etc.
- Facilitating the Young Conway Volunteers blatant sectarianism outside St. Patrick’s Chapel and attacks on those filming those involved, still no arrests.
- The attempted recruitment of local Republicans and vulnerable members of this community by the PSNI and their masters in MI5.
- The continued use, by the PSNI, of local criminals and drug dealers, as paid informers and state agents. This laissez faire attitude to criminals is resulting in the destruction of our community from within.
We, as Republicans and members of the Ardoyne community would appeal to you to desist from attending these meetings that further add to the lie that the PSNI are a reformed police service. They are quite clearly not, as you can see from the examples listed above. They are paid state agents, there to uphold and protect the State. We would ask that you leave these meetings and stand with the people of Ardoyne, opposing their presence in community facilities. The choice is simple, do you support the State or do you support members of your Community being persecuted by the State? By continuing to attend meetings that help pursue a PSNI normalisation agenda, you will quite clearly be demonstrating that you support the State. Examine your conscience and make your decision accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
Ardoyne Victims of PSNI Harassment and Internment
PSNI = New name = Same old game , Who think they can Trample on those who do not want bigots trampling through Ardoyne , Stupidly drunk thinking they can do what they want with the help of their other loyalist friends the PSNI/RUC. Since the formation (Name Change) of the PSNI, I have always maintained there is no difference , same force, different cap badge, still paying drug dealers to inform, and, allowing them to sell their illegal crap, also supplying them with drugs from raids on other drug dealers who take some of their profits.
ReplyDeleteIf people do not waken up and realise the British are on the verge of totally suppressing and interning any Republican who does not toe the line and accept British rule and PSF in Stormont. We are now going back to the bad old days of Loyalist domination.
This has to be tackled because to many have offered their lives up through Hunger Strikes and active service. sort out the spies and don't listen to their lies.
Not really a comment. But a great article. Who will hear ?
ReplyDeleteThe letter and activism of unbowed Ardoyne Republicans against attempts to normalise the Six County State and it's Political Police in the unreformed RUC are testements and dedication of local people to core Irish Republican principles.
ReplyDeleteIt is becoming increasingly clear that the invition and facilitating of the RUC/PSNI/MI5 is coming to an end! The anti-community actions of those who cheerlead for the Political Police are being exposed for what it is.
Congrats to TPQ for highlighting the good work that the Authors of the letter on behalf of us all!
given the page views that pieces on the Ardoyne question gets, there is a lot of interest in the issue being raised by republicans.
ReplyDeleteÓ Donnchadha
ReplyDeleteWith the comments here
It Seems, not to many are Hearing.
I'm trying to understand why someone would make their name a link to a blogger site which is BLANK, I was unlucky 13 to click on it.
I hope you don't mind me saying the above, its a bit curious to click on a link and find it BLANK.
I agree with you quite a few have commented on the Ardoyne issue, but on this one, Its zilch.
"Those without VOICE can see and hear better"
ReplyDeletewhat is the dead link?
ReplyDeleteÓ Donnchadha name!!!.
who posted, "Not really a comment, but a great article, but who will hear?.
The letter and activism of unbowed Ardoyne Republicans against attempts to normalise the Six County State and it's Political Police in the unreformed RUC are testements and dedication of local people to core Irish Republican principles.
ReplyDeleteIt is becoming increasingly clear that the invition and facilitating of the RUC/PSNI/MI5 is coming to an end! The anti-community actions of those who cheerlead for the Political Police are being exposed for what it is.
Congrats to TPQ for highlighting the good work that the Authors of the letter on behalf of us all!
ReplyDeletesorry about that and i will retract my comment made to Ó Donnchadha , it seems every ones name is a link to a dead link. I feel a right plonker.
My apologies mackers.
Ardoyne Republican.
ReplyDeleteAs an Ardonian, I have to say, after everything the people of Ardoyne , and, all Republican areas of our British dominated Province have gone through since 1969, (Recent War and Civil Rights) it seems things are falling on deaf ears.
I agree with you in the respect of, "RUC/PSNI/MI5", IT HAS TO COME TO AN END, and, those who are cheer leading will probably end up mouth gaping with apologies, Those apologies I could never accept, the reason is, They "PSF" are thriving on the british queens SHILLING, and, the leader has gone to EIRE to gain a free ticket to the Dail. My Question is, Were will Martyboy and The kelly fella and his hangers on GO!!!, can I suggest, under MI5 Protection!!!!. Spy in the sky, = Pie in the eye. Ardoyne lost a lot of good volunteers, but in my opinion the best of them all was Martin Meehan (R.I.P.) who was cast aside by "PSF", WHY?, because he was a SOLDIER, not a speaker of the HOUSE OF LORDS IN LONDON, I'm sure "ADAMS , Mc Guinnes , and Kelly, and Co."would be proud to be sitting in the Lord Chambers, but, then again, they "PSF" ARE.
ReplyDeletedon't worry about it. Every blog gets dead links every now and then. Just thought in this case there was another. It's no bother