Training For Hate

Despite their different backgrounds, the counterterrorism trainers we interviewed have a remarkably similar worldview. It is one of total, civilizational war—a conflict against Islam that involves everyone, without distinction between combatant and noncombatant, law enforcement and military - Meg Stalcup and Joshua Craze

The Macpherson Inquiry into the police handling of the 1993 murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence in England concluded that there was an institutionalised racism within the Metropolitan Police. All being equal before the law was immediately devalued when the first point of contact with the law was the police. Whatever happened after that was compromised. With police fingerprints all over the initial investigation anything subsequent was a question of where the loaded dice might fall. It seems that something similar can be said of US police and that institutional bias is being deliberately fostered at management level.

An article by Meg Stalcup and Joshua Craze titled ‘How We Train Our Cops to Fear Islam’ might seem a bit OTT although the objection from Congressman Peter King is likely to be that the article should be called ‘How We Must Train Our Cops To Fear Islam. Cops have their fears. And what people fear they tend to hate. Anyone who has faced the RUC at protests or republican funerals knows that much as they were forced to peer into hate contorted faces, their bearers itching to baton, beat or fire a plastic bullet at a child from a nationalist family. But to state that stoking fear of a law abiding community is part of their police training sounds a bit much. It seems counterproductive and sort of gives the game away before the first foul tackle goes in. Normally, we expect the human rights discourse to be in play. It acts as the alibi when accusations of abuse emerge: ‘not us, Joe Public, look at our human rights ethos.’

The Stalcup and Craze article detailed training being given out to US beat-cops by people who pass themselves off as "terrorism experts". Despite the global recession there is no shortage of work in the terrorism industry. It has been constant since 9/11: ‘rivers of federal training dollars are already flowing, many of them straight into the pockets of instructors like Sam Kharoba.’

At a college in Florida in January 2010 Sam Kharoba, an independent consultant in the industry, took his place in front of a class of 60 cops. He promised to teach his students over the course of three days the fundamentals of Islam. One ‘myth’ he set out to explode was that Islam was a peaceful religion. He told his class that since 9/11 there had been ‘over thirteen thousand attacks.’ Extremist Muslims could, he assured his listeners, be spotted as easily as members of the numerous street gangs with their colours that flourish in many US cities.

“When you see a bunch of guys in red, what do you know?” Kharoba asked.
“They are Bloods,” responded the audience, many of whom deal with gangs regularly.
“When you have a Muslim that wears a headband, regardless of color or insignia, basically what that is telling you is ‘I am willing to be a martyr. … The first thing is facial hair … Do you see how the moustache is trimmed, and the beard is in a cone shape? It is very common to have this beard, and the moustache will always be the same, just like Muhammad.”

This type of thing obviously had an effect. According to the authors of the article, Meg Stalcup and Joshua Craze:

When we spoke to students from Kharoba’s class in Florida, many were enthusiastic. Olga Gonzalez, who is a TSA officer in Miami, told us she had taken several of Kharoba’s courses. “This guy is brilliant,” she said. “I can’t believe it: just like gang affiliations, you can distinguish between secular and jihadist Muslims.”

Kharoba, who argues that ‘the best way to handle these people is what I call legal harassment’ seeks to ensure that cops don’t discriminate between good and bad Muslims. ‘Islam is a highly violent radical religion that mandates that all of the earth must be Muslim.’

While there is plenty of room for discussion about the type of religion Islam is and how it might compare against other global religions, hate mongering has no place in rational discussion.

During his classes Kharoba would refer to the infamous Alligator Ally incident where three Muslims in a car were pulled over by the police and detained after a woman diner eavesdropping on their conversation picked up the words ‘bring it down.’

Using this to set the scene Kharoba would project a picture of Ayman Gheith, one of the arrested men, onto the screen and tell his audience:

the first thing is facial hair … do you see how the moustache is trimmed, and the beard is in a cone shape? It is very common to have this beard, and the moustache will always be the same, just like Muhammad

But as the article points out:

There is only one problem with the Alligator Alley case—a problem Kharoba never mentioned to the class. The incident was a false alarm. The “terrorists” turned out to be medical students on their way to a conference in Miami. They were innocent. After thirteen hours of interrogation, the police released them. Kharoba, however, taught the class that Ayman Gheith was a “textbook case” of Islamic fanaticism.

Stalcup and Craze proceed to warn that:

Time is of the essence. Within the next year, the Department of Justice plans to implement the Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative nationwide, and this will amplify the effects of the bad training being provided—unless the system is reformed quickly … But instead of a broader discussion, what we have now is a system that fails to police the ranks of those who train our frontline officers, while no one is paying attention. Apart, that is, from the police.

With Peter King was reported in the New Yorker singing the praises of torture in the wake of the Bin Laden assassination it was evident that the scene is being increasingly set for an ever more violent policing of a demonised community. Because of a law enforcement agency disinclination to differentiate largely because of training by tutors like Kharaba little benefit in terms of security and wellbeing for US citizens is likely to accrue.


  1. Great read Anthony Thanks for putting this out here.
    RE: 'the first thing is facial hair … do you see how the moustache is trimmed, and the beard is in a cone shape? It is very common to have this beard, and the moustache will always be the same, just like Muhammad'(Kharoba)
    Some one had to say this so allow me Dit dit dit Crack the code - He was obviously warning the world of Gerry Adams - 'the bearded one'

    I checked out the original of the article to confirm even more horror. The pandemic propaganda machine so out of control yet people world wide lap it all up... Why no-one in the audience shouted out "what a crock of ..." to Kharoba is even scarier. 'Critical thinking does not live here' should be the motto over US & other nations law enforcement agencies.
    The constant pounding on our psyches of stereotypes embedding fear & loathing - all Muslims are terrorists. The divide and conquer strategy so perfect to enforce world control - do it our way or be slit in the throat or blown to bits. NB It is not that there are not radicalized Islamists - clearly there are but equally in other religions there are radicalized believers. Sanitised versions sanctioned by twisting Christian scriptures is a primary example.
    Who has Christian scriptures emblazoned on their guns... USA...
    Is féidir linn & the Irish crowds roared their approval in a shackled to the core, fragmented nation...
    There is a whackjob in Aussie (ex Catholic he is) who converted to Sharia. Now he wants Oz to be under Sharia law When questioned about hands being lopped off heads and so forth Ah he said - "would not society be better for it" It is these ones who are the radicalized and in the minority. But media gives them much attention to pump up the stereotyping.
    There was always some truth in conspiracy NWO rambles - core elements of truth. Truth is stranger than science fiction. Mind control is the bullet & a group of people always has to be demonized for the process to achieve it's goals...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. AM

    As you have rightly mentioned regarding the RUC behaviour Pre-GFA where nationalists attending funerals etc were typecasted as Republican sympathisers/members surely this attitude has adapted itself Post-GFA. For example we now have selective internment of those who are deemed as 'the usual suspects'and are classed as a perceived threat to Sunningdale Mark II. Gerry McGeough, Marian Price, Ciaran Farrell to name just a few.

  4. Yes I agree with St Mary,it is a good read Anthony and as you pointed out these instructors in hate must have learned their business in norn iorn! the hatred in the faces of the ruc /udr and the demonisation of our communities was the norm,the tatics have changed but the hate remains.I often wonder if these hero,s of western civilisation were to defeat the muslim hordes,who would be next on their list?.

  5. marty,
    there will always be someone next on the list, the list is perputual.
    Heard Obama say tonight, that he and Cameron must work together to bring about peace and prosperity.
    All they have brought about to date is terror and misery.
    There is no doubt, that there are a considerable amount of over-zealous fundamentalists amongst the Muslims. There is also a huge number who believe it is the Christian dominated west who pose the real terrorist threat (apologies if I sound like Danny Kelly)

  6. Talk about the lunatics being in control of the asylum, from politics to economics through to law and order, the nut jobs are running the show.

  7. Yip Nuala hon those bastions of democracy sure can deal out a lot of death and misery in their rush to bring us peace,there are fanatics in the christian /muslim world which makes me glad that I,m a Pastafarian hon.

  8. I appreciate this is a slight change of subject.
    Now that Iris is off the hook and Mary Mc Ardle appears to be on one, how far have we seriously moved?

  9. Aye Nuala the thing that gets me is that so much focus is on Mary Mc Ardle for her part in the shooting and murder of judge Travers and his daughter Mary,while it is understandable that members of the family feel hurt,but surely their ire should be directed at those who gave the order for this operation and one of them is in the main political position here while the other has now planted himself in the Dail not to far from where Mary Travers sister now lives.

  10. The most recent example of this type of profiling is Marian Price. Identified as the enemy in our midst because of her dissenting political views, she has been removed from normal society using blanket anti-terror legislation. She has been deprived of her liberty based on a perceived threat without a shred of evidence to back it up.

    Not a word has been uttered by those self appointed guardians of our civil liberties and human rights. Marian has been quite simply swallowed up by the system and deposited in a prison cell without clamour or question.

  11. Speaking of hate, I got an annoymous piece of junk posted to me today.
    Someone person, who had not the courage to come to my door, stop me in the street or challenge me by letter, posted me the newspaper cuttings of Ronan Kerr mother's interview and funeral.
    They also included a load of abusive statements which sounded boring and childish.
    Could you be bothered behaving like that, personally I think it is more than a bit cowardly.

  12. Nuala hon you are obviously rattling someone,s cage,I would take that as a compliment hon,as their argument must be so weak that they either havent the balls or the courage of their convictions to confront you.keep on speaking up hon.

  13. Fionnuala

    Such nameless, faceless people are not worth consideration. They are gutter snipes with no balls to face you on a public forum. Just the type that thrived in Nazi Germany spying on their neighbours and carrying tales to the Gestapo.

  14. Fionnuala-

    I agree with Marty and Alec's comments [ must be a first ]

    This is just some low-life who has not got your courage- you speak out
    on different topics which you believe in- and i hope we don't fall out that often-

    I know that this hidden hood will not deter you because you will always have the power of thinking over him/her/it.

  15. Marty, Alec and michaelhenry very touched by that.
    Marty, it sort of made me think, someone is a tad upset about what I say. What did bother me sligtly was, the newspaper pages had been ripped out and the abuse written over them. It almost appeared to have been done in a fit of fury.
    Alec, you are totally right they are not worth consideration.
    I would not consider myself a brave person but I would never stoop as low as to send anything annoymous to anyone.
    michaelhenry, I so appreciate that. We do fall out and we will continue to fall out, but at least we do it out in the open.

  16. Nuala,

    was unhappy to learn of you getting hate mail. It is a lousy way for people to do business. And it hardly invites the description courageous. It is an attempt to intimidate you out of an opinion. Really pleased that Michaelhenry waded in on this. Whatever he thinks of your views he has the decency to discuss them with you.

  17. Mackers,
    yourself and Carrie are living proof that giving an opinion which deviates from the required stance can cost a person dearly.
    I really appreciated the feedback I got from Marty, Alec, michaelhenry and yourself of course.
    I just think there is something quite sad about a person who chooses a method such as this to get their point of view across, if you could call it a point of view.

  18. Think your having a hard time Nuala,when our marriage ended my inlaws took her side,I mean for f##k sake they visit her nearly every day and havent droped in to see me once,and the prison is on the way to the cemetry...went out for an indian last night had curried pelican....not bad...but the bill was fd##kin enormous...I heard Gerry Itwasnt me decided he would ingratiate himself even more with his brit masters,so he sent Bob doh brains and a crack team of commandos from the Anytout Social club to take out Col Gaddaffi,can you imagine his face when it was reported that he,s been to the cinema twice and tomorrow they,re taking him bowling...the window cleaner knocked my door effing and blinding...I thought f##k me he,s lost the rag...a priest has a prize winning rooster that he keeps at his church on day the rooster escapes at his next ceremony the priest says to the people"if you,ve seen a cock please stand up"all the women stood up,the priest says NO NO NO,!anyone who has a cock please stan up!" so all the men stood up ,the priest agitated says "No! no no!anyone who,s seen my cock please stand up"all the choir boys stood up....Finally ,after years of waiting,my book on having sex with herbs has been published....its about f##king thyme...funny when you hear a mans name you can generally work out his nationality;Sean..Irish

  19. Nuala,

    it is not even a point of view - just a hate attack.

  20. michaelhenry

    Your not a bad spud, really.

    If we are a going to fall out then let us be honest and open about it. I will not be sending you the type of shite mail Foinnuala receives in the post.

  21. Mackers

    The term hate features in you title therefore this is not completely off topic.

    Yesterday a half dozen hate filled screws entered Harry Fitzsimons cell and beat him. He sustained injuries to his face, wrist and ribs. It was so reminenicent of the way in which the screws used to operate on the blanket protest. All the men are locked up in single cells hence they are easy prey for the LOPA.

    To paraphrase the immortal Oscar Wilde; being a screw is the only job were one begins at the bottom and works his way down.

  22. Alec,

    there is nothing new under the sun as far as screws are concerned. They have always beaten and will always beat those in their grip.

  23. Alec,
    stomach churning stuff. How the hell are they getting away with this?

  24. Harry Fitz is inside for one reason only, that is he was carrying out orders on behalf pira, whose leading lights now hold prominent positions politically here and in the Dail,why is the silence of these people so deafning,no questions to their appointee Ford the "justice "minister, no white line pickets, no letters to the press, not a dickey bird,that old republican saying your only as good as your last job seems to ring true here,is it going to take a death or serious injury before these leaders get of their arses and speak up about the plight of political prisioners, or maybe they cant, its another question psf supporters like Mickeyboy should be asking!I hope for Harry and the other political prisioners its sooner than to late!

  25. Republicans in prison today are a constant reminder to Sinn Fein that not all is rosy in the garden. Their attitude is to say as little as possible and hope that people will igonore the issue. Unfortunately for the prisoners this approach seems to be working.

  26. Has anyone seen this brilliant video about "perestroika"- Irish style? It's about SF's hypocrisy: all straight to the point.

  27. I can tell you a thing or two about how the same screws treated detained (preventively!) asylum seekers. Throwing food on the floor saying that " *** (nationality of the asylum seeker) will surely lick it up as he is a good boy". Farting into asylum seekers'faces for a laugh; locking them up without explaining a reason (when a prisoner committed suicide in another wing); stealing from the money the charity donated to them (it wasn't it cash. it was a cheque passed through the prison administration, but the prisoner got only £20 out of £50). Of course, that's all minor things in comparison with how they treat political prisoners, but that was enough to convince the asylum seekers that everything they heard before about the North of Ireland, was truth.

  28. tulyactka1000,
    that is a despicable way to treat anyone.
    Screws relish brutalizing republican. Some screws actually believe they are still settling old scores. Scores that can only be settled when it is five to one or more in their favour.
    Sad bastards, but vindictive and dangerous bastards also.

  29. Fionnuala Some people are so cowardly... I think one always knows one is on the right path when one gets hate mail - that is my take... Standing for right seems to up the ante for gutless wonders to make anonymous appearances with their bile... I had once had hate mail sent to me by a person identifying as a no identifying name 'white is right' cop (an Aboriginal friend and i made videos about Aboriginal deaths in custody years ago when youtube was still relatively new) Naively we had our faces up ranting away in a few vids. I must say i was blazing away in one vid. Now i am an oldie i tend to try and put the message across in a less theatrical way if pos! Stay strong as you do.

    @ Alec McC More imo needs to be put out on what is happening re republican prisoners on an international level. Youtube & blogs and such... It is human rights issues and the abuse & repression needs to be heavily highlighted as well as what is going on.

    @ tulyachka1000 Abuse of asylum seekers is pandemic... screws r notorious for dehumanising human beings incarcerated or institutionalized. It is the imbalance of power in action & rare you will find a screw with sustained ethical standards... I have always thought only a certain type of person could be employed as a screw. That being one who is gutless, feels grossly inadequate, thrills at violence and a sense of power... & likes the blood money. Foot soldiers for the regime.I watched your vid. Vids r a good medium for putting the truth out there.

  30. Saint?MaryHedgehog,
    thanks so much for that.
    I was speaking to a member of Sinn Fein yesterday and asked her, why there had been nothing said about the brutality in Maghaberry and no mention about what has happened to Marian Price.
    She was of the opinion that us people are bringing all these things around ourselves.
    I then asked, 'did she think alternative thinking republicans deserved this?'
    She replied, 'Oh for Christs sake you lot think you can say and do as you please, then you scream and shout when someone retaliates.'
    I told her about the hate mail and she said, ' well you will associate yourself with them and now you see what can happen.'
    I then told her, 'I would rather paper my house with hate mail than be associated with people like her'
    I got so much satisfaction watching the smug grin disappear from her face.

  31. Nuala hon yon weemam with the rubber neck you were talking to,I was thinking, when I was reading your post hon how lucky she was that it wasnt your aunt she was talking to,!

  32. Marty,
    I honestly did not care what she had to say in relation to me.
    An acknowlegement of the totally bizarre and unjust treatment of Marian and a degree of empathy with the republican prisoners would have been nice.
    I think Sinn Fein have waded so far in revisionism that a u turn is no longer feasible. Everything with them is totally defensive. Having said that, the prisoners issue still strikes a raw nerve. They will defend their party stance but you can see it does not sit well with them.

  33. I think their problem Nuala is that they cant defend the indefensible,and also they dont know what way the master will turn,

  34. Nuala,

    The way they have turned is chilling. When I read you relating your conversation with the Shinner, it made me think how little conviction so many of them had. You did right to take the grin off her face. All our days we saw these people and they were called Sticks. And while I grew to like many Sticks I met after getting out of jail I never deluded myself that we ever agreed with their position.
