Stalemate Over Hatch Closure Ends

Via the IRPWA a statement from Roe 4 Republican Prisoners announcing a resolution of a prison dispute ~ 16/10/15.

Stalemate over hatch closure ends 16/10/15
Imprisoned In Maghaberry
Republican Political Prisoners, Roe 4, Maghaberry Jail, have been refusing the Jail’s lunchtime and evening meals for the last 9 weeks as a result of the closing of a kitchen hatch which impeded ventilation and our ability to receive food. In effect this further restricted our living space.

Today we were presented with new opening hours for the hatch from the Jail Administration which we believe will enable us to prepare and consume meals in a dignified manner.  We have accepted these new terms.

As of Monday the 19th October 2015 upon the commencement of these new opening times we will begin accepting and eating both Jail meals.

Republican Political Prisoners
Roe 4
16th October 2015

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